Adding Value to Evaluation

Let our experienced team guide your product through
to successful certification.


Adding Value to Evaluation

EESS Conformity Recognitions

Acknowledging Our Applicants

EESS Conformity values all stakeholders in product certification of electrical equipment for Australian and New Zealand suppliers and distributors. As such, we also recognise that providers of information for application on our on-line system have varying degrees of knowledge in/of our industry and certification process. We feel that some of these people or entities need to be acknowledged for their efforts.

The EESS Conformity Certification Services Competent Applicant Certificate

Competent Applicant

A person or entity who applies for certification for their company or authorised to do so and demonstrates on the initial application they have a basic knowledge of both the product standard, test report information; and the Australian and New Zealand regulatory requirements.
A person or entity who applies for certification who demonstrates a superior knowledge of the above will be granted GOLD status.

We have a knowledge questionnaire and a basic status is awarded to persons correctly answering 50% or more and gold status for persons answering correctly 80% or more.

Reviewed on a two-yearly basis.

The EESS Conformity Certification Services Recognised Laboratory Certificate

Recognising Laboratory Accreditation

A laboratory which is accredited to either the IECEE CB scheme or the ILAC-MRA system and as an acknowledgement to the laboratory that we accept their accredited test reports subject to meeting our local requirements and/or AU/NZ national variations.
Laboratories could apply for such recognition or we will recognise certain laboratories whom consistently meet the requirements above. Our certificate will confirm which accreditation number is acceptable.

Reviewed on a two-yearly basis.

To apply for either Competent Applicant or Recognising Laboratory Accreditation, please make your request on our contact page ensuring you state which recognition you are applying for in the subject line.